Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No Doesn't Mean No

I don't know where I heard it first, but when I think the breakthrough moment for me for potty training was when I realized that if Madeleline answers "no" to the question, "Do you want to try and go potty?", it doesn't actually mean no, it means "no is my favorite word, so I will answer that to everything, even if I mean yes". =)

So, when I would ask a question or make a suggestion about trying to go potty I just ignored her emphatic NO and took her anyway (dragging or putting her in a corner if she flat out refused), and instead redirected her attention to a choice she had to make:
"Ok, here we go... you want to use the little potty or the big potty?" you want to read the Elmo book on the potty or the Kermit book?" you want green M&Ms after you go or red M&Ms?"

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