Thursday, December 10, 2009


After several failed attempts, my very strong willed daughter Madeleine, age 2 and 4 months, is finally potty trained in one weeks' time.

When I first set out to potty train her 6 months ago (she was 22 months at the time), I searched the internet for detailed steps and helpful tips. Needless to say I was very disappointed with the lack of [free] information out there.

So, after reading books and talking to people, here is my report of how we did it, what we did, what worked for us, what didn't, and what has worked for other people. This is as much to help you as it is to document our experience for my future potty training attempts on Madeleine's siblings.

I have found that just as each child is different, so is each person's potty training experience and you might have to try many different little ideas to find that one that makes it click for your child.

I hope this information helps you! Good luck in your potty training adventures!

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